Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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The Benefits To Integrate ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2008
Reduce the time and cost of implementing the new specification by acquiring a concise, yet thorough understanding the scope of ISO 14001:2004 and key terms.
Avoid spinning your wheels by learning precisely which modifications and additions to ISO 14001:2004 require your attention for compliance with ISO 9001:2008.
Get a quick handle, through hands-on activities, on the environmental aspects of ISO 14001:2004, including how to:- Develop an environmental policy statement appropriate for your company- Integrate processes for identifying environmental aspects and impacts- Identify environmental objectives, set related targets, and establish programs for achieving results- Integrate environmental responsibilities and authorities into a management system- Outline an environmental awareness and training program- Establish environmental metrics and indicators for monitoring performance- Integrate requirements on non-conformance and corrective and preventive actions into your existing system- Understand the purpose and scope of the environmental management review- Integrate document control requirements of ISO 14001:2004 into your current system- Identify those operations that need to be controlled under EMS and identify emergency operations and contingencies that must be considered as part of EMS
Get off to a running start by learning to use a versatile prioritization matrix to identify and prioritize significant environmental aspects and impacts.
Optimize understanding and retention with the Plexus Learning Model- Multiple learning channels through lecture, coaching, group activities, innovative learning exercises and case studies.- Hands-on insights. Lecturing is minimized so learning is maximized.- Learn by doing. Connect the lessons learned to your real world by using your current circumstances as examples for activities.

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