Friday, August 19, 2011

ISO 9000 Softwares

1. ISO 9000 Software – ISO 9000 Document Control Software

The concept of document control is integral to ISO 9000. Specifically ISO 9001: 2000, requires the establishment of a document control system that stores and manages documents relating to implementing, maintaining, and continually improving a quality management system. Within the context of ISO 9000, a quality system must be documented and quality records must be maintained. Document control helps ensure effective operation and facilitates better decision-making, by providing a vehicle for employees, customers, and partners to access controlled documentation from any location at anytime.

For high-tech companies that adhere to ISO 14000 environmental management standards, document control procedures are equally necessary to help them continuously improve their environmental management system.

The ISO 9000 Document Control Software is developed & designed to control the ISO 9000 Quality Manual, Operating Procedure, Forms & Documents digitally. System will track the all ISO 9000 Documents by ISO Document No. through out the system.

The ISO 9000 Document Control Software Provides:-

Tracking of Documents- Provides secure tracking of all your ISO 9000 Quality Manual, Operating Procedure & Forms & Documents in any format either in Microsoft Word, Excel, PDF or etc.
Efficiency Document Control- It’s uniquely qualified to be the focal point of a quality management system because it can handle all types of documents regardless of the software used to create them. It provides a secure and centralized document control repository that makes search and retrieval easy during inspections and audits.
Revision Control- Tracking of Document revisions, approval & Release Date. Manually Tracking down any revision on the ISO 9000 document activity is difficult . The ISO 9000 Document Control Software will help to keep track the numbers of revision have been carried out, and also maintain the various revision copies of the documents.
Multiple File Location – System will be able to keep track the directories & folder where the original location is saved.
Centralize Of Document Control – Do not worry about the various department is getting the correct edition of the documents, because all documents have been managed by a centralize software. Document reviews are conveniently scheduled and documented.
Security:System provide User Right Control module which enable System Administrator to define the access right to authorized users and activity allowed.
2. ISO 9000 Software – ISO 9000 Audit Control Software

The ISO 9000 Audit Control Softwarewere designed to handle all aspects of an internal or external audit programme, from planning audits to the follow-up of corrective actions against deficiencies found.

The Control Software increases the accountability and efficiency of your internal/external audits by developing core processes with clearly defined audit plans, step-by-step procedures, and standardized auditor roles and responsibilities. It will help to put you to the right path toward developing a well-organized ISO9001:2000 internal /external audit system.

The ISO 9000 Audit Control Software Provides:-

Audit Schedule – maintains the audit schedule, checklist preparation and all audit info.
Track Non-Conformance – System will help to track all non-conformances found during the audit, including actions & verification.
Corrective Action Report (CAR) – Update of the corrective action.
Security: System provide User Right Control module which enable System Administrator to define the access right to authorized users and activity allowed.

How to Get an ISO 14001 Accreditation

If you are someone who is looking into getting an ISO 14001, then you may be wondering exactly why it is that you have to get this accreditation. First, you have to understand that ISO stands for the International Organisation of Standardisation. This is a series of standards that have been developed with a singular level of guidance for all companies to measure up to. The particular 14001 deals with the requirements that you will need to have in order to measure up to the environmental standards that have been set forth by the ISO.

While you do not necessarily have to get the ISO 14001 accreditation to operate your business, it is something you can do to prove to your clients and customers that you are doing your part to help out with the environment. However, you may be confused on how to go about getting this important accreditation, but it is not as difficult to attain as you might think, and most businesses should be able to get the certification within a year of the application. You should know that they will want to make sure that you have been following some form of environmental standards for at least three months prior to your application. To do this you can write an environmental review of your company’s environmental impact as it is in its current operating state. You will then want to make sure that you provide this information when you send off your initial paperwork to begin the overall process.

In order to help prove that your company is doing its part to be environmentally aware you will have to go through an initial audit once the application has been filled out and filed. After the audit has been completed you will get a list of issues that the auditor feels you need to resolve before you can be certified for the ISO 14001. You will need to work on and correct these issues before the second audit is conducted, and they will give you a time period (usually three to six months) when they will return to check on your progress.

When the second audit occurs they will once again assess the overall business and then they will address the issues that were laid out in the previous audit. If everything goes well then your company will have proven that they are doing what they can to meet the standard set forth in ISO 14001, and they will then receive accreditation. However, this is not the end of the process. Even though you are now recognised as having environmentally conscious policies that are congruent with the international standards, you will have to go through periodic audits every three years to make sure that you are still operating correctly. Not only this, but every three months partial aspects of your company will be analysed to see that they are still working within the standards as well. As long as you remain within the compliance terms you will continue to receive your ISO 14001 certification.

Top Management Commitment In ISO 9000 Standards

Top Management Commitment In ISO 9000 Standards
The top management (managing director or chief executive) should demonstrate a commitment and a determination to implement an ISO 9000 quality management system in the organization. Without top management commitment, no quality initiative can succeed. Top management must be convinced that registration and certification will enable the organization to demonstrate to its customers a visible commitment to quality. It should realize that a quality management system would improve overall business efficiency by elimination of wasteful duplication in management system.
The top management should provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of the quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness by:
- Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements,
- Defining the organization’s quality policy and make this known to every employee,
- Ensuring that quality objectives are established at all levels and functions,
- Ensuring the availability of resources required for the development and
implementation of the quality management system,
system activities, and
- Appointing a management representative to coordinate quality management
- Conducting management review.
The top management should also consider actions such as:
a. Leading the organization by example,
b. Participating in improvement projects,
c. Creating an environment that encourages the involvement of people.
This type of top management commitment may be driven by:
a. Direct marketplace pressure: requirements of crucial customers or parent
b. Indirect marketplace pressure: increased quality levels and visibility among
c. Growth ambitions: desire to exploit market opportunities.
d. Personal belief in the value of quality as a goal and quality management systems as a means of reaching that goal.
The top management should identify the goals to be achieved through the quality
management system. Typical goals may be:
• Be more efficient and profitable
• Produce products and services that consistently meet customers’ needs and
• Achieve customers satisfaction
• Increase market share
• Improve communications and morale in the organization
• Reduce costs and liabilities
• Increase confidence in the production system

Conduct Initial Status Survey In ISO 9000 Standards

Conduct Initial Status Survey In ISO 9000 Standards
ISO 9000 does not require duplication of effort or redundant system. The goal of ISO 9000 is to create a quality management system that conforms to the standard. This does not preclude incorporating, adapting, and adding onto quality programs already in place. So the next step in the implementation process is to compare the organization’s existing quality management system, if there is one — with the requirements of the standard (ISO 9001:2008).
For this purpose, an organization flow chart showing how information actually flows (not what should be done) from order placement by the customer to delivery to this customer should be drawn up. From this over-all flow chart, a flow chart of activities in each department should be prepared.
With the aid of the flow charts, a record of existing quality management system should be established. A significant number of written procedures may already be in place.
Unless they are very much out of date, these documents should not be discarded.
Rather, they should be incorporated into the new quality management system.
Documents requiring modification or elaboration should be identified and listed. This exercise is some times referred to as ” gap analysis”. During these review processes, wide consultation with executives and representatives of various unions and associations within the organization is required to enlist their active cooperation.
In the review process, documents should be collected, studied and registered for
further use, possibly after they have been revised. Before developing new quality
management system documentation, you need to consider with which quality
requirements or department you should start. The best is to select an area where
processes are fairly well organized, running effectively and functioning satisfactorily.
The basic approach is to determine and record how a process is currently carried out.
We can do this by identifying the people involved and obtaining information from them during individual interviews. Unfortunately, it often happens that different people will give different, contradicting versions of a process. Each one may refer to oral instructions that are not accurate or clear. This is why the facts are often not described correctly the first time around, and have to be revised several times.
Once it has been agreed how to describe the current process, this process has to be adapted, supplemented and implemented according to the requirements of the quality standard (ISO 9001:2008). This requires organizational arrangements, the drawing up of additional documents and possible removal of existing documentation (e.g. procedures, inspection/test plans, inspection/test instructions) and records (e.g. inspection/test reports, inspection/test certificates).
In introducing a quality management system, the emphasis is on the improvement of the existing processes or the re-organization of processes.
In general, the steps to follow are the following:
a. Ascertain and establish the following:
What is the present operation/process? What already exists?
b. Analyze the relevant sections of the quality standard – ISO 9001:2008:
What is actually required?
c. If necessary, supplement and change operational arrangements in accordance
with the standard, develop documents and records, and describe operations/
What is the desired operation/process?
The gap analysis can be done internally, if the knowledge level is there. Or a formal pre-assessment can be obtained from any one of a large number of ISO 9000 consulting, implementing, and registration firms.

Develop Quality Management System Documentation In ISO 9000 Standards

Develop Quality Management System Documentation In ISO 9000 Standards

Documentation is the most common area of non-conformance among organizations

wishing to implement ISO 9000 quality management systems. As one company

pointed out: “When we started our implementation, we found that documentation

was inadequate. Even absent, in some areas. Take calibration. Obviously it’s

necessary, and obviously we do it, but it wasn’t being documented. Another area

was inspection and testing. We inspect and test practically every item that leaves

here, but our documentation was inadequate”.

Documentation of the quality management system should include:

1. Documented statements of a quality policy and quality objectives,

2. A quality manual,

3. Documented procedures and records required by the standard ISO 9001:2008, and

4. Documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes.

Quality documentation is generally prepared in the three levels indicated below that follows. Use ISO 10013:1995 for guidance in quality documentation.

Level A: Quality manual

States the scope of the quality management system, including exclusions and

details of their justification; and describes the processes of the quality

management system and their interaction. Generally gives an organization

profile; presents the organizational relationships and responsibilities of persons

whose work affects quality and outlines the main procedures. It may also

describe organization’s quality policy and quality objectives.

Level B: Quality management system procedures

Describes the activities of individual departments, how quality is controlled in

each department and the checks that are carried out.

Level C: Quality documents (forms, reports, work instructions, etc.)

1. Work instructions describe in detail how specific tasks are performed; include

drawing standards, methods of tests, customer’s specifications, etc.

2. Presents forms to be used for recording observations, etc.