Monday, April 19, 2010

Elements Of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

Elements Of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO/DIS 14001 is one of a series of emerging international environmental management standards aimed at promoting
continual improvement in company environmental performance through the adoption and implementation of an environmental management system. The (draft) standard specifies the core elements of an EMS, but contains only those elements that may be objectively audited for certification or self-declaration purposes. A companion guidance standard, ISO/DIS 14004 includes examples, descrïptions and options that aid in the implementation of an EMS and in integrating the EMS into overall management practices. It is not intended for use by certification/registration bodies.

ISO/DIS 14001 defines an overall environmental management system , closely modeled on the ISO 9000 quality systems standard , and covers the following key elements:

· Establishment of an appropriate environmental policy that is documented and communicated to employees and made available to the public, and which includes a commitment to continual improvement and pollution prevention, regulatory compliance and a framework for setting objectives;
· A planning phase that covers the identification of the environmental aspects of the organization’s activities, identification and access to legal requirements, establishment and documentation of objectives and targets consistent with the policy, and establishment of a program for achieving said targets and objectives (including the designation of responsible individuals, necessary means and timeframes);
· Implementation and operation of the EMS including the definition, documentation and communication of roles and responsibilities, provision of appropriate training, assurance of adequate internal and external communication, written management system documentation as well as appropriate document control procedures, documented procedures for operational controls, and documented and communicated emergency response procedures;
· Checking and corrective action procedures, including procedures for regular monitoring and measurement of key characteristics of the operations and activities, procedures for dealing with situations of non-conformity, specific record maintenance procedures and procedures for auditing the performance of the EMS;
· Periodic management reviews of the overall EMS to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in light of changing circumstances.

The EMS as outlined in ISO 14001 provides a structured process for the achievement of continual improvement, the rate and extent of which is determined by the organization in light of economic and other circumstances. Although some improvement in environmental performance can be expected due to the adoption of a systematic approach, it should be understood that the EMS is a tool which enables the organization to achieve and systematically control the level of environmental performance that it sets itself. The establishment of an EMS will not, in itself, necessarily result in an immediate reduction of adverse environmental impact. Indeed, care needs to be taken that the mere establishment of an EMS does not lull the organization into a false sense of security. But effectively used, an EMS should enable an organization to improve its environmental performance and avoid or reduce adverse environmental impacts over time.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Challenge Of ISO 14001 Standards

The Challenge Of ISO 14001 Standards

The building blocks of an environmental management system is an understanding of aspects and impacts.

Implementing ISO 14001 begins with identifying how an organisation’s business activities impact on the


Many organisations believe they are already aware of the significant aspects and impacts of their operations.

The process of implementing ISO 14001 may uncover significant impacts not previously identified and allows

for a consistent approach to analysis.

Generally this analysis is done department by department or centre by centre.

It is best if it is a team approach that involves the employees who do the activity. An employee’s

familiarity with a task is essential for both the identification of the environmental impacts of business

activities and the determination or implementation of control measures.

An aspect is any element of an organisation’s activities, products or services that can interact with the


An impact is the change caused to the environment.

Impacts may occur during normal and abnormal operating conditions, such as accidents and emergencies.

Aspects can often be isolated by analysing the inputs and outputs of an activity.


Once the impacts have been determined they have to be evaluated.

Criteria for evaluation include environmental concerns such as the severity of the impact, and business

concerns such as potential regulatory and legal exposure, the probability of the impact occurring, the

cost of changing the impact and effect on public image.

This type of evaluation highlights the significant impacts. These, in turn, determine the significant

aspects. Once the significant aspects have been determined, targets and objectives can be set.